Day 3: Website Design Bootcamp
In this class, we discussed page optimization, learnt how to use widgets, themes and plugins best practices, SEO, and all about Yoast Plugin, Google Analytics, and how to set it up on WordPress. Then finally, we discussed shortcodes and created a form for our website.

Workshop 1


Using the Yoast Plugin, add SEO title and Meta Description to the following pages:

  •  Home
  • About
  • Services
  • Contact

All the SEO titles must contain keywords relating to the page

All meta titles and meta descriptions must be marked green by Yoast. To achieve this, ensure the content is not too long or too short. Pay attention to the bar below the title or description fields and ensure it’s green.


Workshop 2

Create a Google Analytics account

Get your Measurement ID

Update the GA Google Analytics Plugin settings with your Google Analytics Measurement ID

Check Google Analytics to ensure your website is linked to your Account.

    Workshop 3


    Using the Ninja Forms Plugin, create a form titled “Contact Us” and add the following fields.

    •  Name (Required)
    • Email (Required)
    • Phone 
    • Message (Required)

    All the fields must have the following:

    • A placeholder text
    • A descriptive label
    • Must be arranged as specified above